


Understanding Consciousness, Life Within Death, Creative Freedom,
and the Limitless Expression of the Self in This World and Worlds Beyond





By Susanna Massari



by Tom Massari


When a young woman contacted physicist Dr. Anthony Clark and told him aliens had abducted her, he suggested a hypnotherapy regression session to explore her experience. The encounter she described was similar to many other alien abduction stories the doctor had heard about in other regression sessions. However, in one session, a gentleman described time travel, which intrigued Dr. Clark. The doctor then began an exhausting two-year journey studying time transference and time displacement in an attempt to understand how a person could travel through time without altering the present reality. 

One day, as Dr. Clark was entering his office, he got the biggest surprise of his life. Standing before him was an alien. A small gray, thin bodied, big black-eyed alien! After getting over his initial shock, the doctor and the alien began a conversation. The one visit and conversation turned into 10 visits. Many topics were discussed and questions asked and answered. This book presents a rare and awesome opportunity to learn and understand more about life, God, reality, alien races, emotions, other dimensions, time travel, and so much more.




“The Art Of Reclaiming Your Intention And Power”
According to Abram,The Mayan Shaman


Abram's Book


Paperback – $15.95 (Shipping And Handling Included)


Also available in paperback and E-book at


Infinity Publishing


E-Book also available ($2.99) at:


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The channeled energy personality Abram, explains the power of thought, the laws of the universe, the principles of manifesting, and so much more. He gives you techniques for channeling your higher self, how to be in a state of creative functionality thus creating balance, health, and money in your life while encouraging you to believe in yourself, and giving yourself permission to have life work for you. There really is no secret to inviting and creating health, wealth, and happiness into your life. You already know everything you need to know with the wisdom and knowledge that is within you.

Abram’s easy and effective visualization exercises will help you to define your identity, intentions, and create a theme for your goals. While the ideas of positive thinking and the power of thought are nothing new, he offers you a different way to use those ideas, along with enhanced views into human consciousness, the consciousness of the universe, energy, and how you are intimately connected with all people, nature, and the universe.



“Up until July 2013, there had just been two other books (The Celestine Prophecy and The Secret) that had dramatically shifted the course of my life. When my wife Kate Romero discovered Tom and Sue Massari’s The Art of Reclaiming Your Intention and Power, I knew this book would be another game changer. As a result of this information channeled by Abram (formerly a Mayan Shaman), our lives are richer, we have launched a revolutionary new PR business model, and we generally do everything in a grand way now. I highly recommend this empowering book to anyone in transition or simply wanting to make the most of their life.”

John Stellar–President of Everyone’s  PR (formerly Stellar Communications) is the original publicist that helped launch and represented the book and DVD The Secret from September 2006 to August 2007.


“The Art of Reclaiming Your Intention and Power” found me at a time in my life when I really needed it. Although I didn’t realize the incredible information contained in the book was what I had been seeking, the Universe neatly delivered it to me immediately. For anyone desiring to manifest, to create in this wonderful game of life, or even to find answers they seek, this book should be required reading. How I feel in my life today in comparison to before I read this book is night and day. Manifesting is so much more than the sum total of the Law of Attraction, and that is only a small sliver of what this book effectively delivers to the reader.”

Christine Andrew – President, CoSozo – Host of Enlightening Radio


“I love Abram’s take on life, personal empowerment and conscious creation. He shares insights at a level anyone can understand, and he gets outside the box of what all the other teachers are saying, so this material is new, fresh and right to the point!”

Jean Adrienne – InnerSpeak Soul Adventures Radio


“I loved Tom and Sue’s book.  I think they have presented the information in a way that people will get pretty fast and be able to apply the information.  Definitely a great book and I think it will have a big following. I also loved their direct approach in a world that can be airy fairy.”

Trev Pelzer, Growth Coach


“I read it once and I’m reading it again. It’s great!”

M.D. – CA


“This book is incredible. I can’t put it down.”

M.L. – CA


“This book surprised me. I thought I was going to read the usually generic information on positive thinking but it went beyond my assumptions. In it are powerful and simple exercises to help me expand my awareness and to become a “new” person with stronger abilities through the power of thought and emotion. Also Abram’s simple explanation on the role of the unconscious mind and how to use it when thinking really benefited me.”

P.D. – CA


“This book can be helpful to anyone-even if you are not into metaphysics. Abram explains HOW to use the principles of manifesting where other books only tell you it is possible. He talks about the laws of the universe, how we limit ourselves (and so much more), and gives so many really easy exercises and meditations to reach any goal you may have. I have read the e-Book many times and will be glad to have the paper back in hand!”

O.N. – FL


“I love your book. Have been reading it for two days. The exercises/meditations are wonderful. I’m a new being!”

L.G. – AZ


“I can turn your book to any page and get something out of it.”

L.V. – CA


“It is extremely interesting and has an important message and deep wisdom.”

The Messenger – A Guide To Life’s Adventure


“I just want to say that the book, “The Art of Reclaiming Your Intention and Power” is one of the best books I’ve ever read.  The idea that we are always learning and growing no matter what we do is such a powerful concept.  I bought the book for my mom who is an 82 year old Catholic and shy’s away from anything about the spirit world and the subject of metaphysics.  She read the whole book in a week and absolutely loved it and  said that the positivity of the book and the concepts are helping her sleep better at night!  I highly recommend it to anybody in any faith.”

S.D. – CA


“Hi Tom. After listening to you channel Abram on a wonderful podcast, I bought your book “The Art of Reclaiming Your Intention and Power.” Thank you, Tom, Sue and Abram, for the truly beautiful light and love you spread. I have been struggling with bipolar depression for far too long and feel encouraged and uplifted by Abram’s teachings. God bless!”



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